Tin Cottage Journal

Tin Cottage Journal

Monday, March 19, 2018

Making Rounds With Oscar

Making Rounds with Oscar: The Extraordinary Gift of an Ordinary CatMaking Rounds with Oscar: The Extraordinary Gift of an Ordinary Cat by David Dosa
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Oscar the "death angel" cat lives at a senior care facility. He is not especially friendly or cuddly, unless a resident is going to die soon. He acknowledges the attending family members, then leaps onto the bed and snuggles against the patient, humming a comforting purr.

Nurses and aides, and even family members are aware of Oscars good gift but geriatric physician, David Dosa has more cynicism than faith. However, when Oscar begins to accompanying him on his rounds, his curiosity grows.

Through his experiences with Oscar, patients with dementia and their families, Dr. Dosa learns a lot about how people cope with or function during the slow demise of Alzheimer's and similar conditions.

Making MY rounds with Oscar was a gentle tour of what so many face as they struggle with both loving and losing a treasured loved one. I'm passing my copy to close family members, and might even read it again if my strength and emotions need re-propping!

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